Here’s a list of Spanish words about household things that you should know:
1. Interruptor – switch as in “light switch”
La oscuridad impedía ver el interruptor.
The darkness prevented seeing the light switch.
By the way, in Colombia the “gente” (people) are familiar with the word “interrupter” but the word that I hear many Colombians use for light switch is “switche.” Obviously, they “borrowed” the word “switche” from our English language.
2. Toma (de corriente eléctrica) – electrical outlet
Enchufa esto en la toma.
Plug this in the outlet.
3. Enchufe – electrical plug
El enchufe de la licuadora ya no sirve, hay que cambiarlo por uno nuevo.
The blender’s plug no longer works, you have to change it for a new one.
4. Enchufar – to plugin
Enchufaste la lámapara que está cerca de tu cama.
You plugged in the lamp that is near your bed.
By the way, if you use the verb “conectar” (to connect) instead of “enchufar” you will also be understood by Spanish speakers.
5. Desenchufar – to unplug
Antes de lamer la batidora, desenchúfala
Before licking the mixer/beater, unplug it.
6. Apagar – to turn off as in to turn off the lights.
Cuando salgan, apaguen la luz.
When you guys leave, turn out the lights.
7. Prender – to turn on as in turn on the lights.
Prendieron la luz.
They turned on the lights.
Be aware that in Spain you are likely to hear Spanish speakers use the verb “encender” instead of “prender.”