Learning Business Spanish Words With An Insightful Video – 2021

Learning Business Spanish Words

This Spanish lesson on Business Spanish Words is one of the free learning Spanish language videos that you will receive just by visiting the web site spanishpod101 and subscribing to their newsletter. This video covers basic and common business words and phrases:


Here Are More Business Spanish Words!

La empresa tiene contratos con gobiernos locales para proporcionar una variedad de servicios.
The firm has contracts with local governments to provide a variety of services.

Miguel está trabajando para fundar una firma de technología.
Miguel is working to found a technology firm.

¿Qué tal le van los negocios de momento?
How is your business going at the moment?

Está estudiando comercio internacional en la universidad.
He is studying international business at the university.

 Business Spanish WordsMi hijo heredará la empresa familiar.
My son will inherit the family business.

Trabajo en una oficina de 9 am a 5 pm.
I work in an office from 9 am to 5 pm.

¿Ya firmaste el contrato?
Have you already signed the contract?

Isaac es socio en un bufete de abogados.
Isaac is a partner in a legal firm.

Vamos a celebrar una reunión muy importante esta tarde.
We are holding a very important meeting this afternoon.

Consiguió un trabajo de bibliotecaria.
She got a job as a librarian.

De momento, está sin empleo.
He is out of job at the moment.

El nuevo negocio creará 50 puestos de trabajo.
The new business will create 50 jobs.

La jefa les dijo que enviaran las mercancías.
The boss told them to deliver the goods.

Si quiere un descuento, tendrá que hablar con el patrón.
If you want a discount, you will have to speak to the boss.

Los dirigentes sindicales acordaron ponerse en huelga.
The union bosses agreed to go on strike.

Hay un impuesto de 50% sobre el calzado importado.
There is a 50% tax on imported footwear.

All motor vehicles must pay a tax for the right to drive on the streets.
Todos los vehículos a motor deben pagar un tributo por el derecho de circular en la called.


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