teach yourself Spanish?
If so, you’ve landed on the right post…
So, what’s the problem with learning Spanish successfully?
- Many people would love to learn Spanish, but not everyone goes through with this endeavor.
- Some people lack the consistency that is required to learn a new language, and they end up abandoning their plan.
- Others use learning methods that are either insufficient or ineffective.
In this post, we have compiled 15 of the most effective Spanish learning methods for you.
These methods will help you teach yourself Spanish and learn at an impressive rate. Let’s get to it.
1. A Fantastic, Creative & Funny Way To Learn Spanish: Listen, Read And Sing!!!
Spanish is the primary language in close to 20 countries.
There are about 500 million Spanish speakers worldwide!
Being a mainstream language, there are many Spanish songs, and they sure sound great.
You have probably listened to some Spanish songs which you really liked even though you didn’t understand a thing they said, right?
You can learn spoken Spanish by listening to Spanish songs.
Tip 1: Add a few Spanish songs to your playlist, and make a point of adding new Spanish songs to the playlist every once in a while.
Tip 2: If you can play guitar, you can learn to sing Spanish guitar song and enjoy your learning experience (same for piano or other musical instrument).
This will be most effective when you have some basic knowledge of the language.
You will also notice similarities between Spanish and other languages such as the English language.
It is easier to memorize music, and therefore this method can be highly effective.
Here’s a video of the most viewed Spanish song on Youtube (with Spanish/English Lyrics on screen):
“Spanish song” – “Spanish songs 2019” – “Canciòn española”
To find many Spanish songs with lyrics on-screen you can type in the following keywords:
Name of the singer + lyrics | Name of the singer + words | Name of the singer + text |
Name of the singer + lirica | Name of the singer + palabras | Name of the singer + letras |
Here’s a great resource to find Spanish singers, if you don’t know them: 10 Famous Spanish Singers Who’ll Teach You the Language with Flair!
2. Learning Spanish Through Jokes
“Soy” means “I am” in Spanish…
A smile is a universally accepted form of communication.
Learning Spanish humor will give you what it takes to have a laugh with Spanish speakers and in the process learn their language.
When you learn Spanish jokes and tell them to people who are fluent in the language, it builds your confidence, and you get to learn new jokes from others.
You also learn new vocabulary from the mutual sharing of Spanish jokes.
It is also a great way of starting conversations in Spanish with Spanish speakers.
Spanish speakers like a good laugh, and learning is easier when it is fun.
11 Punny Spanish Jokes to Learn While You LOL
3. Choose Another Funny Way To Learn Spanish & Play Your Favorite Games
There is a wide variety of Spanish language games that can enhance your Spanish language.
These games make the learning process fun, and you get to use your free time constructively. Moreover you will learn Spanish quickly.
The games can be beneficial in practicing grammar and enhancing your Spanish vocabulary.
Spanish language games are availed online via Spanish learning apps, many of which are provided for free.
You only need to play for a few minutes each week, and you will be on your way to fluency.
The games will help you learn translation and terms that you can use in your daily conversations.
Some of the best Spanish language games include:
Rockalingua | The Dialogue Game | Word Toss |
PollyLingual | Spanish in Flow |
The games present different levels of difficulties suitable for learners at all levels.
4. Take Advantage Of The Myriad Of Outstanding Spanish Language Courses Online
Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.
It is, therefore, no surprise that the internet avails a variety of online Spanish courses that can tremendously benefit anyone that wants to learn the language.
While some of the Spanish online courses are paid-for, many of them are provided for free.
Some of the most popular Spanish online courses include Rocket Spanish, Baselang, Pimsleur, and Fluencia.
From these courses, you will learn everything you need to know about the Spanish language, including grammar, speaking, reading, and writing.
The best of these online courses have native Spanish speakers as tutors so that you can learn from the best.
You only have to dedicate about an hour every day, and you will be on your way to mastery of the Spanish language, thanks to these Spanish courses.
A more portable way to learn Spanish on the go with the best Android/IOS apps is explained in chapter 9 of this page…
5. Get A Deeper Knowledge Of Spanish By Interacting One to One With A Tutor
Many institutions offer Spanish courses locally.
Such local courses may require you to attend classes, and they are generally paid-for lessons.
The great thing with local courses is that you get to meet your tutor one-on-one, which could be beneficial to your learning – it gives you the chance to ask questions.
Also, meeting other students of the Spanish language is not only encouraging but also a learning opportunity, by having a Spanish conversation.
If you wish to pursue Spanish on a professional level, you could go for a Spanish degree at one of the local universities.
A degree in Spanish will enable you to speak, read and write Spanish at an elite level.
Such a degree will afford you a profound understanding of the Spanish language, literature, and history.
A degree in Spanish will cost you some time and money, but it will be very beneficial if you want to be a professional in the language.
6. Supercharge Your Spanish Learning By Watching A Daily Spanish Lesson On Youtube
YouTube is a goldmine of knowledge: a site where you can learn anything from face contouring to black holes to stock trading.
On YouTube, you can learn Spanish at an incredibly high level, and for free!
Below you will find great tips on how to take advantage of Youtube to learn Spanish through songs!
There is a wide variety of YouTube videos on the Spanish language that you may choose from, many of which are made by native Spanish speakers and professionals with elite-level knowledge of the Spanish language.
Make a point of watching a video or two each day, and your Spanish will improve gradually.
Some of the most popular Spanish language YouTube channels include ‘Learn Spanish with SpanishPod101.com’ and ‘Butterfly Spanish’.
With a wide variety of videos, you can choose the ones that impress you the most.
7. Take An Amazing Vacation In Some Magnificent Spanish Speaking Country!
Barcelona, Spain
Traveling in Spanish-speaking countries will give you a chance to converse with local native speakers, hear different Spanish accents, and learn different kinds of Spanish.
Traveling in countries such as Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Spain is a great adventure, and you get to improve your Spanish skills.
Hearing more Spanish makes it easier to understand the language in any context.
At first, it will be a buzz trying to understand what the locals are saying, but you will gain confidence with time.
Once you have the confidence, you will be able to converse with the locals and learn a lot about the language, as you travel and have fun.
8. Take Your Spanish To New Heights By Learning Proverbs & Idioms
“What the eye doesn’t see the heart doesn’t grieve over” (English Proverb: Out of sight, out of mind.)
Spanish proverbs and idioms might pop up out of nowhere when you are hanging out with your Argentinean amigos.
The Spanish language has a rich variety of proverbs and idioms.
These proverbs and idioms are thought-provoking, and learning them can help you enhance your Spanish.
When they are thrown in the middle of conversations, you won’t be left confused, and you’ll be able to follow along.
Also, learning the proverbs and idioms will help you in starting and sustaining a conversation in Spanish.
You will get to learn about the culture and style of Spanish proverbs and idioms.
You will notice that some of them are specific to certain regions of the world.
The most popular Spanish proverbs and idioms can easily be found online.
Try to learn a few of them every week and use them when conversing with Spanish speakers. Click here for a great list of Spanish proverbs.
9. A Foolproof Strategy For Learning Spanish Consistently: Use The Best Android/iOS Apps
You only need a smartphone to access apps that can help you learn Spanish. Such apps are available on both Android and iOS platforms.
There are some free apps, while others are paid-for, usually at affordable prices.
The apps will make you feel like you are playing a game on your phone, and you will get to learn a lot on the language.
Having fun with the learning process shortens the learning curve.
Some of the most reliable Spanish learning apps are FluentU, Duolingo, Rosetta Stone and Mindsnacks.
These apps adopt Spanish music, commercials, news and talks into language learning experiences.
Some of the apps use a scripted learning approach, while others use a natural approach.
They avail a variety of videos that cover different topics so that you can choose the topics that interest you the most.
The apps also provide an online dictionary that you can use to look up the meaning of the new words you come across.
You can create vocabulary lists that you may refer to later. Quizzes help you learn new vocabulary.
The apps provide examples of how certain words are used in context so that you can gain a profound understanding of their meaning.
These apps use artificial intelligence to optimize and accelerate your learning process.
10. Get Help In Your Spanish Learning Efforts By Meeting Spanish Speaking People In Your Town
If there are Spanish-speaking people in your local area, interacting with them could be of great help in your Spanish learning endeavors.
People are usually willing to help others learn their language. Native Spanish speakers know the ins and outs of the language, and they are in a position to teach you a lot.
If you have some basic knowledge of the language, use it to start conversations with them, and ask for clarifications on anything you don’t understand.
Listening to them as they converse is also a great way to teach yourself Spanish.
Take note of their pronunciation and intonation.
It will help you understand the meaning of different words when used in different contexts.
Also, if the Spanish-speaking people can also communicate in English, that will be more convenient for you because it minimizes the language barrier.
11. Learn & Practice Spanish Daily On Interactive Language Learning Sites (Even For Free!)
The internet avails a variety of free and inexpensive Spanish learning resources.
It is simply amazing how you can learn a new language online and to an advanced level.
Spanish, being a mainstream language, has a significant share of online language learning resources.
Even if you already have a private Spanish language tutor, these learning sites can be of tremendous help – you can practice your skills in between lessons, and have a little fun while at it.
Some popular Spanish language sites include:
Some of these websites have live instructors that teach in a group setting.
They avail a variety of online classes so that you can choose the most suitable classes.
You can access these websites using various devices including smartphones, laptops, tablet,s or desktops.
Whether you want to learn basic Spanish vocabulary, conversational skills, or writing skills, there is a place for you on these websites.
You will get real-time feedback and guidance from Spanish language experts – significant progress will, therefore, be realized within a short period of time.
Interacting with other students is also a learning opportunity, and it makes the entire learning process fun!
Some of the websites provide videos that help you learn Spanish.
12. A Great Strategy For Improving Your Spanish Vocabulary: Play Crossword Puzzles
Crosswords have been one of the best ways to enrich one’s vocabulary in any language for a long time.
Crosswords are fun and challenging.
Many people get hooked on crosswords, to a point where they solve them in record time.
Many Spanish crossword puzzles can help you learn Spanish while having fun in your spare time.
If you already have a passion for solving English crosswords, why not combine that with learning a new language?
Puzzles have been linked with the improvement of memory and learning skills.
They also improve verbal fluency, problem-solving skills, and the ability to recognize patterns.
All these will help you learn Spanish efficiently and effectively.
Crossword puzzles that are made specifically for Spanish learners are very helpful in learning new vocabulary and strengthening the knowledge of existing vocabulary.
Spanish puzzles will also train your brain to think in Spanish, which is a huge step towards fluency.
When you get stuck in the puzzle, do not hesitate to find help from online and offline resources.
There is no point in getting stuck on one step for way too long while you could be learning other words.
Looking up unknown words is part of enriching your vocabulary.
You may use the Spanish version of Wikipedia when you get stuck.
There are also online Spanish dictionaries that are very helpful. Some of the best online Spanish crossword puzzles include Lexis Rex, Panagrama, SpanishTown, Crossword Hobbyist, and Mundijuegos.
If you are a traditionalist, some physical Spanish crossword books can help you learn Spanish.
They include “Easy Spanish Crossword Puzzles” and “Spanish Crossword Puzzles for Practice and Fun”.
The puzzles avail different difficulty levels so that you can choose appropriately depending on your skill level.
13. Learn Spanish More & More By Making Spanish Speaking Friends On Social Networks
Social media platforms have become game-changers.
You can access people from virtually all cultures on social networks.
You can make friends from all parts of the world.
Making Spanish-speaking friends on social media can be a great way to learn Spanish.
You could learn from their conversations.
This is an effective way of learning since you get to understand the contexts in which various words are used.
Once you have some basic knowledge of Spanish, you could converse with them and learn more in the process.
Don’t hesitate to let them know that you are only learning the language – this way they could offer more assistance.
Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter are very helpful in accessing Spanish-speaking people.
⇑ Go to the Table of Contents – Top Strategies to Teach Yourself Spanish ⇑
14. Develop Your Spanish Listening Skills By Watching Spanish TV Shows
As a beginner, watch Spanish movies and TV shows with English subtitles.
This will help you develop your listening skills.
When you gain more knowledge of the language, watch Spanish films and TV shows with Spanish subtitles.
This way, you develop your reading and listening skills simultaneously.
You get to know how certain words are pronounced, and it is a great way to increase your vocabulary.
You learn typical Spanish phrases that you can use in your daily conversations.
Make sure that you go with TV shows that you enjoy watching.
Some of the most popular Spanish TV shows include El Estilista, “Money Heist”, “Narcos“ and “Gran Hotel”.
16. Learn Spanish With Pleasure By Reading Books & Magazines About Your Interests/Hobbies In Spanish
Reading is a great way to learn any language.
When you read about something that interests you, it becomes easier to learn the language.
You will feel less tired, and your motivation levels will be elevated.
There are countless books and magazines in the Spanish language.
If you have an interest in sports, look for sports magazines published in Spanish and practice your Spanish.
Teaching Yourself Spanish – The Bottom Line?
Learning Spanish can be achieved efficiently using the Spanish learning methods discussed above.
It is, however, essential that you adopt an effective learning Spanish routine.
Such a routine should include daily learning activities and reviews at the end of each week.
Once you have the timeline setup, incorporate some of the Spanish learning methods discussed herein and your learning curve will be shortened significantly.
The learning methods we have provided are FUN and highly effective.
Most of them are also inexpensive so that you will not have to spend much to learn Spanish.
It is also important that you be consistent in your learning efforts – many people tend to abandon their efforts midway, and they have to start from scratch the next time they want to give it a try.
Spanish is a beautiful language with hundreds of millions of speakers.
Gather the determination that is required to go through with the learning process.
Once you master the language, your learning efforts will all be worth it.
What do you think about these methods? Please give us your opinion below…
Learn Spanish Programs Online and Offline
Study Spanish Method #1: Learn Spanish Hands Down with a Multi-Pronged Approach